Emotional Regulation

Borderline Personality Treatment


Simply surviving is not healthy, and it's not sustainable. It doesn't have to be this way. It is very normal to feel intense emotions some of the time and to be confused about why you feel the way you do. We all experience emotions. Some emotions are more distressing than others and some have different ways of managing them. In addition, it is normal to feel misunderstood and confused about who you are some of the time, especially if you find that your emotions are intense, change quickly, or seem to be in control of your behaviour.

Intense Emotions

Whatever it is that’s going on, perhaps your situation is leaving you anxious, depressed, discouraged, and maybe even a little hopeless at times. I imagine you’re here because you don’t want to feel this way anymore. You’re ready for something – anything, really – to change. Maybe someone encouraged you to reach out because they’re worried about you. Maybe you’re worried, too.

You want to feel at your best, be emotionally balanced, enjoy amazing relationships, and live a life of meaning and fulfillment.  Learning how to deal with painful emotions, increases the quality of your relationships, and increases the positives in your life.

The problem is that you may not have the skills to create those positive changes, which may lead you to feel frustrated and hopeless.  Everyone deserves to live with happiness and peace.

I understand how frustrated you may feel to not know how to cope with life challenges and build positives, which is why we have spent years learning the most effective techniques to help you deal with painful emotions and create the life you want to live.

Whether you are experiencing challenges with feeling confused about yourself, maintaining healthy relationships, and/or regulating emotions, dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) can help you learn skills to manage these difficulties and build a life worth living.

Perhaps you’ve worked with someone before or are starting out for the very first time, I’m so glad you’re here. I’ll walk this journey with you from start to finish. Take a look around the site to see if anything resonates with you.

Dialectical Behaviour Therapy

Dialectical behaviour therapy (DBT) is a treatment developed by psychologist, Marsha Linehan. This therapy has been designed specifically to help clients cope with difficulties such as regulating intense emotions, anger, impulsiveness, among other problem behaviours. Much of what you will learn during DBT is ways in which you can manage and maintain a more positive outlook on life despite overwhelming circumstances.

During DBT Skills Training, participants learn skills that are essential for living a life worth living. These skills are applied to the participant’s own situation during individual therapy.

Skills training groups are held weekly in eight-week blocks. Each eight-week block includes the Mindfulness module (2 weeks) and one of the following modules: Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, or Interpersonal Effectiveness, depending on the needs of the client. Clients commit to one full eight-week block (8 sessions) as a minimum.

La Ronge Counselling provides individual DBT Skills Training, as well as DBT Skills Training in Group Format. The DBT Skills training includes worksheets, reflection exercises, as well as role-play activities and short presentations. Each session is 50 minutes (individual) or 90 minutes (group therapy). Attendance to all sessions within one block is required for treatment success.

Borderline Personality (BPD)

If you have a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder and are looking for individual counselling and/or group skills training, please reach out as soon as possible. We have an ongoing intake for Borderline personality treatment.


Wondering about your Emotional Regulation?

Complete the Emotional Regulation Self-Report and receive the results in your email. 


Bjureberg, J., Ljótsson, B., Tull, M. T., Hedman, E., Sahlin, H., Lundh, L.- G., Bjärehed, J., DiLillo, D., Messman-Moore, T., Gumpert, C. H., & Gratz, K.L. (2016). Development and Validation of a Brief Version of the Difficulties in Emotion Regulation Scale: The DERS-16. Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment, 1–13. http://doi.org/10.1007/s10862-015-9514-x


Schedule FREE Intake Session

I strongly believe that no one should be pressured to decide whether or not they want to work with a therapist before meeting them. I will see you (and your child) at no charge to make sure we are a good fit for each other. Every therapist works in their own unique way so I want you to be certain you feel comfortable with the way I work. The initial meeting is not a therapy session; it’s designed to be low-key and low-pressure with no “hard sell” at the end.